For christmas I also received some figures from artizan designs. I really like the style of the pulp figures among others and plan to start painting these in order to get my solo Pulp Egypt project on the go. In the box were some africa corp figures and some villainous types to lead them in a 'raiders of the lost ark' kind of way, some cultists - one of which is armed with a flame thrower!, some random characters for general npc types and some pulp heroines. I am pleased with all of them and look forward to painting these in between terrain projects for both this and my modern/zombie board. I ordered the figures from Artizans site but it is all really handled by Northstar miniature, a company that have many other figures that I would like and so am sure i will return there soon enough. I'm not sure if it was because it was christmas or whether it is standard practice, but also include was a free figure and a tea bag!

And now we come to he point of this post. While I love free things and am very grateful for the free figure, it was one of the figures out of the pulp heroine pack and so now I have two of them!!!
The question now becomes 'what do I do with the second figure?' My options seem to be
- don't paint it (wheres the fun in that?!?!)
- paint and base one for zombies and one for pulp
- paint them both for pulp but give the them different paint jobs.
As I have undercoated both and painted the flesh, I think that 1 is a bit of a non starter. Can anyone think of another option?
Option 2 sounds like what I would do dude!
ReplyDeleteI am leaning towards that option as well, but other options are suggested lower down!
DeleteSend her to me!
ReplyDelete:) another option! :) I am surprised you don't already have her as you seem to have a huge figure collection....
DeleteShe also won't fit into SDE!! :)
option 2 for me. I have the miniature, it is a pleasure to paint.
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying painting her as far as I've got so far. I do like the sculptors style of sculptors. Nice detail but not too much of it so that it puts me off starting!
DeleteI'd paint the two figures identicly, but making one the zombifide version.
ReplyDeletenow there is a 4th option but i want at least one for pulp! :)
DeleteGo fot different settings perhaps a nice floral dress for the zombies version.
ReplyDeleteI might do something on the dresses rather than leave them plain. There is enough of the material showing that I should be able to manage some sort of pattern although I'm not good at them...:(
DeleteWe shall see how they turn out.
Option 2 is the right way to go if you ask me ;)
ReplyDeleteI am leaning that way myself :)